Tutorial: Deploying Smart Contracts on Polygon Chain

Tutorial: Deploying Smart Contracts on Polygon Chain

Tutorial: Deploying Smart Contracts on Polygon Chain

Tutorial: Deploying Smart Contracts on Polygon Chain

Tutorial: Deploying Smart Contracts on Polygon Chain

Read Time: 3 minutes

What is Polygon Network?

Polygon, formerly known as Matic Network and founded in 2017, has always focused on developing Ethereum scaling architecture.

Polygon is a Layer 2 scaling solution for the Ethereum blockchain. Polygon functions as a faster blockchain that runs concurrently with the Ethereum blockchain, which has multiple sidechains. Polygon processes transactions on-chain using a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism and derive its security from Ethereum.

Reasons to use Polygon Network:

Polygon makes use of a variety of technologies, making it an excellent alternative for developing smart contracts.

Using the Polygon Network can boost a blockchain project’s flexibility, scalability, and sovereignty while still providing the security, interoperability, and structural benefits of the Ethereum blockchain. Furthermore, when compared to Ethereum, the polygon network has substantially lower gas fees.

It also claims to be adaptable enough to include any scalability solution, in addition to the current Plasma chains, ZK-rollups, and optimistic rollups.

As of writing this article,
If we talk about last 7 days, more than 100K Smart Contracts were deployed on Polygon chain.

Preparing for Deployment:

For this demonstration purpose, we will be using Polygon’s Testnet i.e. Polygon Mumbai Network. Let’s begin with some preparations:

1. Adding Polygon Mumbai Network to Metamask.

The simplest method is to scroll down the mumbai.polygonscan.com website, and you will find the “Add Mumbai Network” button. Simply click on it and approve the metamask popup. 

2. Getting Test Matic from Faucet:

To obtain the Mumbai MATIC token, simply copy your wallet address and insert it into the below faucet. The MATIC tokens will appear in your wallet a few seconds later.

Testnet Matic faucet: https://mumbaifaucet.com/

Deploying a Contract using Remix:

Remix: Remix Online IDE is a powerful toolset for developing, deploying, debugging, and testing Ethereum and EVM-compatible smart contracts.

Don’t forget to change your network to Polygon Mumbai in Metamask.

Now, that we have all the necessary things set up, let’s start:

Let’s make a simple contract that saves our names and ages. In our remix, let’s call it simpleStorage.sol. After hitting CTRL + S, It will be successfully compiled.

For Deploying on Polygon, first we need to change the Environment to Injected Provider i.e. Metamask in Remix IDE.

When we click the Deploy button after updating the Environment, Metamask will ask for confirmation, and once we confirm, the contract will be successfully deployed to the Polygon Mumbai Testnet.

Verify and Publish contracts using Polygonscan:

We will be verifying the contracts using polygonscan verification tool.

  1. We can easily fill in the details like deployed contracts, compiler versions, etc. on the website. Then we can click on continue.

On the following page, we have to fill in other details such as the contract code, constructor arguments, and so on. After entering the necessary information, we can simply click the ‘Verify and Publish’ button.

The contract will be successfully confirmed after a few seconds, as shown below.


Matic Blockchain is the answer for the Blockchain world crowded and affected by a plethora of applications resulting in the deprecation of the Blockchain ecosystem. 

Embrace the scalability of Matic Blockchain and let QuillAudits manage the integrity and security of your Polygon(Matic) platform with its unparalleled Matic smart contract auditing services.

Polygon Smart contract Auditing Services:


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How do I deploy a smart contract on the Matic network?

After reading and following the above steps you should be able deploy contracts to Matic Network.

What language are Polygon smart contracts written in?

In Polygon, smart contracts are written using Solidity Language.

How to secure a smart contract on Polygon?

Smart contracts on Polygon can be secured by performing a security Audit. Smart contract Auditing is the thorough examination of the contract’s code to mitigate errors so that the contract remains safe from malicious actors and external attack vectors.

What is Polygon Mumbai Testnet?

The Mumbai testnet is the testnet of the Polygon network, which replicates the Polygon mainnet. It enables developers to deploy, test, and execute their dApps in the blockchain environment risk-free and at no cost.


Blockchain for dog nose wrinkles' Ponzi makes off ~$127M🐶

Project promised up to 150% returns on investment in 100 days, raising about 166.4 billion South Korean won — or about $127 million — from 22,000 people.

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