How to Use MetaMask For Binance Smart Chain

How to Use MetaMask For Binance Smart Chain

How to Use MetaMask For Binance Smart Chain

How to Use MetaMask For Binance Smart Chain

How to Use MetaMask For Binance Smart Chain

Read Time: 4 minutes

MetaMask is arguably the most popular crypto wallet right now, and it’s easy to fathom why it’s common amongst cryptocurrency users. Here in this article, we will learn to add BSC to Metamask.

Virtual machines, such as MetaMask, were created to make more secure and user-friendly Ethereum-based websites. It handles account management and linking the user to the blockchain in particular. Chrome, Brave, and Safari are some of the supported browsers.

The wallet is easy to configure on the blockchain, and above all, it works efficiently with DeFi apps. For the newbies who don’t know what a crypto wallet is, below is a comprehensive definition of what they mean.  

What is a crypto wallet

Crypto wallets or cryptocurrency wallets serve as storage options for your digital currencies or tokens. In the crypto world, wallets are like bank accounts that hold your fiat money, but instead of fiat, it’s crypto. They enable users to have custody of their crypto holdings without depending on centralized institutions like banks. 

Cryptocurrency wallets are overly secure, and that’s the beauty of it. As long as you recall your 12 – 24 word phrase, you’re good to go. This keyphrase restricts access to your crypto holdings. With the key, you can access your holdings anywhere, even on another device. However, you must keep it safe because if lost, recovering your cryptos becomes impossible. 

Now that you know what a crypto wallet is, let’s dive into how you can add Binance Smart Chain to MetaMask wallets.

How to Add BSC to MetaMask

Many crypto users think that MetaMask only works for Ethereum, but it’s wrong. As earlier explained, the crypto software wallet works well with most DeFi applications on various blockchains like BSC. It’s convenient to set up as well, but the issue is it shows other chains by default. If you ask us, it’s nothing to fret about. 

So, let’s get started. 

1.  Head over to Google, iOS store, or MetaMask website to download the wallet and then install it. 

2.  Once you’re done with the installation, add it to your browser by toggling the extension on from the browser’s settings. To do this, go to the browser’s settings on your phone or laptop and select “More Tools” > “Extensions. Scroll to MetaMask and drag the blue button rightwards.

3.  Next is to open the wallet. Tap the three dots on the upper right corner of the screen. You will get the option of viewing the account on Etherscan, expanding the view, etc. Expand the view for better visibility. 

4.  The next step is to add BSC Network. Click on the profile icon on the upper right corner of the screen and scroll down to settings. Click on “Networks” from the available list of dropdown options. 

5.  Select the blue icon with “Add Network” in the right top corner of the screen to add BSC. You’ll be prompted to input technical information about BSC. 

6.  In the blank space for Network Name, enter Smart Chain. For RPC URL and ChainID, and 56. The blank spaces for symbol and Block Explorer URL should be BNB and 

7.  Once you have entered all the information into your wallet, tap on Save. You’ll see Binance Smart Chain added successfully to your MetaMask wallet. 

8.  If you return to the MetaMask home screen, you’ll see your wallet display the BNB boldly. This shows that you did everything correctly. BNB is native to the network. 

9.  You can buy, send/transfer between Binance wallets, and swap.

Summing up

Adding Binance Smart Chain to MetaMask might sound technical at first, but it isn’t as complicated as you think. Whether you are tech-savvy or not, you can create a Binance Smart Chain MetaMask integration with the steps described above. 

Crypto wallets can easily be exploited. So, you must be security vigilant. Be careful of whom you give your keyphrases to and how your wallet is being used for transactions. Many crypto users have reported lost coins from their wallets without prior knowledge. It occurs due to a bug in the software version of the wallet. 

This can be prevented if the software is upgraded to a better version and it’s audited by a top-notch security firm like QuillAudits, an automated cybersecurity audit solution developed by QuillHash Technologies that offers advanced smart contract audit, DApp security audit, digital wallet security, and blockchain audit. The audit firm has a mission to reduce DeFi hacks, which is a leading issue in the crypto space.

QuillAudits carry out audits in a series of systematic processes. First, we obtain the details from the software developers. Second, we review the code manually and use automated tools to extensively validate the security details of the wallet’s software to know its behavior. 

After confirming the breach, the auditor sends the audit reports to the developers indicating vulnerabilities and bugs. While QuillAudits prides itself as a firm that identifies loopholes and bugs, we also monitor security and ensure that best practices are maintained.  

QuillAudits examine the security level of the software before developers are given a go-ahead to launch it. This way, it ascertains that the version is secure from any vulnerability. 

Reach out to QuillAudits

QuillAudits is accomplished in delivering efficient smart contract audits. If you need any assistance in the smart contracts audit, feel free to reach out to our experts here!

Follow QuillAudits for more updates.

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