Tokenic partners with kyber Network 

Tokenic partners with kyber Network 

Tokenic partners with kyber Network 

Tokenic partners with kyber Network 

Tokenic partners with kyber Network 

Read Time: 3 minutes

What is kyber network ?

Kyber’s on-chain liquidity protocol allows decentralized token swaps to be integrated into any application, enabling value exchange to be performed seamlessly between all parties in the ecosystem. Using this protocol, developers can build innovative payment flows and applications, including instant token swap services, ERC20 payments, and financial DApps — helping to build a world where any token is usable anywhere.

Tokenic is an advanced, fully automated and secures ICO/STO launch platform which makes token sale effortless for projects thus empowering them to focus on investor relations and development of the project.
All Solutions under one roof, for any startup, to launch its own ICO/STO within 1 week.

Why Tokenic integrating Kyber Network ?

Tokenic integration with Kyber Network is going to provide users the option to participate in these token sales using a wide range of tokens. This integration demonstrates our liquidity protocol’s natural fit into such token sale platforms to benefit both the projects and the users.

Some of the features of Tokenic are —

1. Multiple Payment Options and Kyber Network Integration

We help you integrate 10+ different cryptocurrencies and Kyber network integration in your token-sale platform. The investor is presented with a list of cryptocurrencies and altcoins with live exchange rates to buy tokens. Tokenic integration with Kyber Network is going to provide users the option to participate in these token sales using a wide range of tokens. This integration demonstrates our liquidity protocol’s natural fit into such token sale platforms to benefit both the projects and the users.

2. KYC/AML checks

We cohesively integrate customizable KYC/AML (manual and third party (Jumio /sum and substance )) feature to filter malicious individuals so only genuine users participate in your token-sale.

3. Smart contracts Creation and interaction from the Admin dashboard.

You can create token contracts, crowd sale contracts, 721 standard contracts, airdrops smart contracts from admin dashboard and deploy on the blockchain.

4. Internal Smart contract auditing

QuillAudits ( Our very own Smart Contracts Security Audit Platform ) is integrated in token sale platform and it ensures the reliability of your Smart Contracts by identifying potential flaws and code vulnerabilities

5. Bounty & Referral program

Tokenic has integrated bounty programs feature into its token-sale platform. Admin can manage user interaction and allocate tokens according to user activity. You can also set two-tier referral program for investors to spread the word about your project.

6. Multi-Security layer

We integrate 2FA or OTP security in your dashboard because an extra layer of extra security is never harmful.

7. STO Platform

Tokenic STO protocol is ERC20 Smart contract that serves multiple purposes for STO, support re-deployment of regulation service contract to change regulation. KYC/AML is also done using a smart contract. There are multiple parameters that can be used for KYC for e.g. email id, phone no verification, social media account verification are amongst widely used. There are multiple levels according to which service regulation can be enforced. The smart contract also enables transparent and decentralized voting system only for valid investors.

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At QuillHash, we understand the Potential of Blockchain and have a good team of developers who can develop any blockchain applications like Smart Contracts, dApps,Smart Coins, DeFi, DEX on the any Blockchain Platform like Ethereum, EOS and Hyperledger.

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Blockchain for dog nose wrinkles' Ponzi makes off ~$127M🐶

Project promised up to 150% returns on investment in 100 days, raising about 166.4 billion South Korean won — or about $127 million — from 22,000 people.

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