Earn Rewards, Make a Difference: QuillAudits Partnership & Affiliate Program

Earn Rewards, Make a Difference: QuillAudits Partnership & Affiliate Program

Earn Rewards, Make a Difference: QuillAudits Partnership & Affiliate Program

Earn Rewards, Make a Difference: QuillAudits Partnership & Affiliate Program

Earn Rewards, Make a Difference: QuillAudits Partnership & Affiliate Program

Read Time: 5 minutes

As happened with the previous iterations of the web, the security models unfold to align with its application architecture. 

Much like that, Web3 pitches in decentralized applications controlled through blockchain with its own security design. The decentralization of the internet transfers greater power to communities on presuming the activities in the Web3 platform.

Like any system, Web3 design poses security challenges that put the Web3 protocols under recurring cycles of hacks and exploits. 

Considering the parallels between Web1 and Web2, their security vulnerabilities in the initial stages were addressed and got robust over time. Equally, innovation is the key to getting to the bottom and addressing the current challenges of the Web3 industry.  

Moving forward to drum in greater clarity on Web3 security and how to indulge oneself beneficially in strengthening the future of the internet.

What’s The Big Deal About Web3 Security?

The potential of blockchain is so much that billions started to move hand in hand in five years. 

Despite the use cases that oblige the rising popularity of blockchain, many criticize the space for its poor security standards, laying favourable grounds for attack vectors. 

As the barrier for entry into Web3 is not much, new protocols barge in to captivate users with impressive features and marketing. They often overlook high-level security architecture, which becomes a burden later. 

When in reality, checks for vulnerabilities that accounts for the security of digital assets should be given the top priority.

‘Data Speaks’ On Web3 Security

Data shows that the TVL in DeFi is more than $56 million at the time of writing this article. Although the figure might look impressive, it is a sharp decline from $110 billion in 2021. The protocol vulnerabilities accountable for the hacks and exploits are cited as the main cause for this substantial drop.

REKT database reveals that cyber attacks have swindled a total of $4.75 billion through exploits of various forms. There have been 2,782 attacks performed so far, with 2022 witnessing a steady rise in hacks.

A Step Forward In Making Web3 A Safer Place For Everyone

As we can see, the substantial losses from hacks creating a strong demand for the safety of assets, QuillAudits amps up to offer security solutions. The contributions of QuillAudits to the Web3 side have saved billions from going astray. 

At the time of writing this article, QuillAudits has fixed over 1000+ vulnerabilities in 700+ web3 projects, all of which account for saving $15B+. 

The end-to-end security services provided by QuillAudits range from smart contract auditing, NFT & DeFi Due Diligence to formal verification of DeFi projects. Through our services, we aim to intensify the trust and visibility of the users on Web3 projects.

In our mission to scale up our efforts in securing the blockchain, smart contracts and web3, we would like to collaborate with like-minded people in the arena.  

Are you also someone with a strong envisioning to secure the Web3 ecosystem?

How Do We Get It Covered For You?

We offer two novel approaches for getting yourselves involved in strengthening the Web3 floor. 

Partnering With QuillAudits

“Give and Take” is the true essence of ‘Partnership.’ It offers a way for incrementing improvements continuously on either side, thus driving the overall market growth. 

Our partnership program is introduced to bring in more unified partners and amplify growth opportunities. As we progress, we implement inspired resources and tools to generate quality leads for our partners.

If your business is steering to thrive, we can help you reach the goal. 

‘Unity is strength,’ so let us enhance and extend the capabilities of the Web3 security space in unison.

What’s the bare minimum requirement to enrol for the partnership?

If you’re a business offering products/services that could possibly scale web3 by any means and ready to exchange synergies with us, then you’d be the right fit as our partner. 

If you’re one of these, you can surely hit on the Typeform link and rope in yourself as our invaluable partner. 

  • Blockchain Development Company
  • Web3 Venture Capitalist/ Incubator
  • Web2-based Cybersecurity company
  • IDO/IGO/ICO or any exchange platform
  • Web3 Marketing Agency
  • Web3 Marketplace
  • Web3 tools and products-related companies
  • Web3 KYC & Pen-testing companies
  • Web3 Investigation and advisory agency

Go for your choice of partnership.

We’ve categorized the program for partners to get to choose whatever works for them. Basically, there are three types with distinct specifications. 

Solution providers: It goes for resellers, consultancies and marketplaces that likely have the scope for reselling QuillAudits services by rebranding them.

Technology partner: Tech companies that have got room for extending their platform capabilities through the integration of QuillAudits products and services can opt for this program. 

Do you feel like you don’t belong to any of these categories but got the fire in you to secure Web3? 

Then sure, Web3 needs you! 

Affiliate program: We have an affiliate program to never miss out on someone like you. Earn passive income as you refer at a zero expense because the registration is absolutely free. More on this in the below lines. 

Become A Quiffiliate

Earn a fixed and recurring commission on the go while helping the web3 protocols arrive and thrive securely amidst the widespread hacker population. 

Working Module  of Our Affiliate Program

You’re about to be exposed to a limitless earning potential as you join our mission. Here’s our 3-tiered reward system exhibiting full transparency to play the game fair on both sides.

Tier 1 – Joinee: 10% flat commission on every single referral that you bring in for auditing with us.

Tier 2 – Partner: In addition to partnership perks, you get a 5% incentive on projects that come to us on your referral. 

Tier 3 – Ambassador: Ambassadors working with QuillAudits that bring 3 referrals per month will get a 15% commission from the project’s total cost. 

Strike Your Chance To Become A Quiffilate As It Comes To You, And Get The Ball Rolling!


Blockchain for dog nose wrinkles' Ponzi makes off ~$127M🐶

Project promised up to 150% returns on investment in 100 days, raising about 166.4 billion South Korean won — or about $127 million — from 22,000 people.

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Become a Quiffiliate!
Join our mission to safeguard web3

Sounds Interesting, Right? All you have to do is:


Refer QuillAudits to Web3 projects for audits.


Earn rewards as we conclude the audits.


Thereby help us Secure web3 ecosystem.

Total Rewards Shared Out: $200K+