How to Integrate ENS in DApp | Linking ENS with blockchain network

How to Integrate ENS in DApp | Linking ENS with blockchain network

How to Integrate ENS in DApp | Linking ENS with blockchain network

How to Integrate ENS in DApp | Linking ENS with blockchain network

How to Integrate ENS in DApp | Linking ENS with blockchain network

Read Time: 4 minutes

Blockchain being such a nascent technology has given a myriad of new concepts to the world during its very infant stage of adoption. Whether it is Defi, cryptocurrencies, flash loans, or tokens, all of these have had a disruptive impact on the masses across the globe. People have been widely adopting Blockchain technology in many domains because of its versatility. This will help you to integrate ENS in DApp.

Among the various offerings of Blockchain technology, DApps are one of the most essential components of the Blockchain ecosystem. They have been progressively revolutionizing the way we perceive applications. 

A Dapp, or decentralized application, is an application that does not work on a single centralized server but instead works over a peer-to-peer distributed network. 

One noteworthy observation here is that decentralized applications have been in existence before Blockchain. These are generally the applications hosted through the means of distributed computing. However, the rapidly growing ecosystem of Blockchain has made them more feasible and mainstream. 

These DApps, built on Blockchain, have a frontend and a smart contract connected to a backend that governs the transactions and can be linked to a digital marketplace, identity, or wallet. Similar to the web applications, DApps too have a domain name to refer to for user experience. 

The most popular platform for building and hosting DApps is the Ethereum Blockchain. Using the solidity language on Ethereum, decentralized smart contracts can be created which can then be linked to a backend and a frontend, resulting in a DApp. 

However, for the DApps to perform the name resolution, Ethereum Name Service(ENS) integration can be used. ENS is the Domain Name Service(DNS) equivalent that does the name translations from fully qualified domain name(such as alice. eth) to a 42 characters long Ethereum address(such as 0x9fbda871d559710256a2502a2517b794b482db40) and vice versa.

What is ENS?

Ethereum Name Service is a service that is utilized to give more meaningful, and more human-readable names instead of long addresses, for example, Ethereum addresses or Swarm hashes that are often utilized in the Ethereum ecosystem. At the very core, to perform the translation, ENS uses a central registry of smart contracts to do so. 

To gain a clear perspective of how ENS works, consider a domain request for payment.quillhash.eth is made to the ENS. Now the ENS will query the central registry smart contract to reach out to the top-level domain(.eth) smart contract. Upon reaching the top-level domain smart contract, a query is made for the resolver(quillhash.eth) smart contract in the network. The query is then made to the authoritative smart-contract with the actual address for payment.quillhash.eth domain and the query gets resolved.

Integrate ENS in DApp 

For integrating ENS with any Dapp, a specific outline is to be followed while developing the Dapp. Below are the integration steps needed to incorporate in a DApp:

  • Resolving ENS names

The first and foremost step towards ENS integration in the DApp is to have an inbuilt functionality that automatically resolves the ENS name to the Ethereum address. For instance, the user wants to send money to someone over the network. A possible way around is to remember the long, complex Ethereum address of the recipient and send the money. On the other hand, if the DApp has the functionality to resolve ENS names, then the sender can input the receiver’s ENS name and do the transaction within no time. 

  • Support Reverse Resolution

Next is the support for the reverse resolution in the DApp. Suppose the user inputs the Ethereum address in the DApp. In that case, the application needs to have the ability to perform the reverse resolution of the Ethereum address to the ENS name. This added functionality improves user-friendliness and enhances the user experience comprehensively. 

  • Let Users Name Things

The final step for ENS integration involves the user modifying their ENS name. It can be done in two ways, Name Registration and Name Updates. To understand Name Registration, consider an e-wallet DApp that has various users registered over it. The Dapp should provide a unique ENS name (like username.walletdapp.eth) to its users. For Name updates, the Dapp should have the functionality to add a preowned ENS name by the users to the e-wallet Dapp


Remembering complex statements or addresses to make frequent interactions is not something that we prefer in this faced-paced world. Having just an Ethereum wallet address as the only way to transact could defer the acknowledgment of decentralized applications and act as a barrier in mass adoption.

By introducing a service that effectively maps domain names to addresses and vice versa, Ethereum Name Service could be an enormous jump forward. 

Considering the magnitude of DApps being created on Ethereum and the fact that Ethereum hosts the highest number of DApps, having ENS is a step towards a decentralized future. It will be interesting to see how other public Blockchain platforms come up with similar innovations.

Reach out to QuillHash

With an industry presence of years, QuillHash has delivered enterprise solutions across the globe. QuillHash with a team of experts is a leading blockchain development company providing various industry solutions including DeFi enterprise, If you need any assistance in blockchain development, feel free to reach out to our experts here!

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